WOD 2/17/15
8 Minutes of Back/Hip/Ankle/Wrist/Shoulder Mobility
A- WU- 3 Rounds of: C2B (challenging UB set)/5 each OH Lunge/10 Good Morning (75/45)/5 burpees to 6″ target or 3 Rounds of: 5 Jumping Pull Up-Negative (tempo: X/2/2/0)/5 each OH Lunge/10 Good Morning (45/15)/5 burpees
B- Hang Clean- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Triple
Notes: Does not have to be Touch and Go, so long as you don’t set the bar down until you have completed all three reps.
C- Flex Event #3- “Clean Up Your Burpees”= 12/9/6/3 RFT of: Clean (155/115)/Lateral Bar Burpees or “Dead? Up Your Burpees??”= 12/9/6/3 RFT of: DeadLift (155/115)/Lateral Bar Burpees
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Safe to say I will not be partaking in this wod tomorrow
Yup. See you all Saturday!!
Well guess I’m going to get to find out what the scaled version of this guy felt like…
A little humor for your day…
Now, I get this can be a problem, albeit a good problem to have in my opinion. I just didn’t realize it was worthy of an article in the Wall Street Journal.
Sidebar: anyone try those Relentless jeans or have any others to recommend? (not for my stick legs, just asking)
I went back to this WOD again today and faced my demons … I dropped the weight 10 lbs and used 105lbs…
My time was 10:52. I am pretty happy with that =)
Brave Girl!
Couple PR’s today. My 3RM HCln was 195 and hit 205 today. Lost my grip on the 3rd rep for 225 but it was a 2RM PR and then I did 230 for 2.
Did the metcon with Mike and we did it in 9:06. My legs were definetly shaky after the heavy cleans. Mike never stopped….as usual.
that’s a nice time. took me and chris K 12+mins. With a different partner, Chris may have been closer to your time, but he was stuck with chicken legs over here
Thanks Matt. I had so much trouble with the burpees. Legs were shot and I could barely jump over the bar!