WOD 2/18/15
8 Minutes of Rack/Hip/Back/Wrist/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 6 Minute AMRAP of: 5 WallBall Max Height/20 Sec L Hang/30 Seconds Max Reps Double Unders or 6 Minute AMRAP of: 5 WallBall Max Height/20 Seconds Tuck Hang/30 Seconds Max Reps Single Unders
B- Front Squat- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 5 Reps
C- 5 Rounds of: Max UB Front Squat @ (BW/.75 BW)/30 Double Unders; 1 Minute Rest or 5 Rounds of: Max UB Front Squat @ (.75/.50 BW)/60 Single Unders; 1 Minute Rest
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Thanks Jen for taking such great PICs at the Flex event!
Check these out guys 🙂 Everyone looks so strong! Coach Anthony has really good hair, never noticed.
The flow is on point!
I think I mentioned that enough in the past few weeks to make Coach A uncomfortable. Glad someone finally chimed in to back me up.
Forget those Metcon’s… I’m getting me a pair of those HOKA OneOne’s!
Kidding aside, for anyone who runs (I know it’s not popular around these parts but some of us do) I thought this was an interesting exploration of the topic. That said, I’m still a fan of minimalist for all distances.
It was a good one today!
Glad to be back in the swing of things. The Open starts next week!
Was able to hit 175lbs for 4 front squats!! I see some big cleans coming soon
Visited crossfit steadfast
Did some kettle bell warmup
Then the bear complex… Worked 55/65/70/75/85 all unbroken.
Chuck – nice work in those FS’s! Had your 63 in mind but ran out of steam on my last set.
Great job Tam! Big numbers coming out of you.
Sam, Bear Complex = Gross….nice work.
Hit up Solace today on lunch break- the place was like sauna steam room- never thought I would say this, but it was a bit too warm even for me!
Warm up
3 rounds
35 DU
25 air squats
15 KB swings (35#)
For time
100 DU/10 Squat snatches (95#)/80 DU/8 Snatch/60 DU/6 Snatch/40 DU/4 Snatch/20 DU/2 Snatch – 11:50
EMOM for 10 minutes
odd- 7 T2B
even- 5 C2B pullups
Wanted to see how many UB Strict Handstand Pushups I could get- 21!! And that was after all this work
5 rounds
5 deadlifts (155#)
10 bar facing burps
Challenging day, all weaknesses pretty much.
A)-6 Minute AMRAP of: 5 WallBall Max Height/20 Sec “L” Hang/30 Seconds Max Reps Double Unders
B) 5 Rounds of Max Distance HS Walk – made a balanced few feet
C) Front Squat 3rep (3 Second Pause) – 195
D) 5 Rounds of: Max UB Front Squat @BW=195 / 30 Double Unders / 1 Minute Rest – 5/4/4/4/3
E) Bar Muscle Up practice
A whole lotta frustration overall.
I’m still digesting that you weigh 25# more than me
I’m dense, bro.