WOD 2/27/15
5 Minutes of Shoulder/Back/Hip/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 500M Row
B- Ground To OverHead- 6 Minutes To A Challenging Single
Notes: The goal is to get to 90% or so in 6 minutes.
C- Reebok CrossFit Open Sectionals WOD 15.1= 9 Minute AMRAP of: 15 T2B/10 DeadLift (115/75)/5 Snatch (115/75) or (Scaled)- 9 Minute AMRAP of: 15 Hanging Knee Raises/10 DeadLift (85/55)/5 Snatches (85/55)
Notes: For DeadLift: No Sumo DeadLift/For T2B: Athlete will go from full hang to both feet much touch the bar at the same time/At the bottom the arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the upper body/For Snatch: Bar must go from ground (below the knees) to overhead in one smooth motion without any bouncing/The bar must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body/Score= Total Number of Reps completed.
D- Reebok CrossFit Open Sectionals WOD 15.1 (A)- 6 Minute To Establish A Clean & Jerk 1RM
Notes: 15.1 (A) will begin as soon as the 9 Minute mark has been reached/The same barbell must be used for 15.1 and 15.1 (A)/ The athlete must load her/his own barbell/Athlete must state weight before attempting/There is no limit to number of attempts as long as they happen within 6 min time cap/Any version of ground to overhead is acceptable/ The barbell must start on the ground and finish locked out overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended and the bar directly over the middle of the body.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Ah! I just got super giddy / nervous butterflies. It’s all for fun, but there’s something about the Open that gets me pumped!!
See you guys tomorrow!!
Get Hyped!
I should of been more conservative with my T2B. I should of broke the T2B up into 3 Sets of 5.
Hit PR on C&J
I think according to the rules you can redo it on Saturday or Sunday if you want.
you can repeat the WOD as many times as you like before monday 8 p.m. eastern standard time. but if you do this work out over you must do both parts. you cannot do them separate and put together your best attempts. it must be done together.
Quick question Coaches, so we don’t have to do B & C if we are doing D?
Actually, I asked the wrong question please ignore my previous comment, this is the right one: We don’t have to do B if we are doing C & D right?
it would be best that you do part B before doing C & D. Consider it a warm up for the clean and jerk. 6 minutes is not very long to find a 1 rep max especially immediately after a 9 min AMRAP. On part B get to a heavy but not your 1 rep max.
This is a great advice, I never thought about this as a warm up before. Thank you Coach!
props to Ernie for hitting a PR on his C&J after 9 minutes of funk
#6amhellastrong (if we were from Cali)
Congrats to all the athletes who came in today! A lot of PRs and great vibe in the box overall. Keep it positive and classy 718
Is there going to be a repeat of this WOD on Sunday?