WOD 2/3/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/OH/Thoracic/Hip/Back/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 200M Run @70-90% RPE + For Time: 200M Farmers Walk (24/16KgX2) or 200M Run @ 70-90% RPE + 200M Farmers Walk (20/12Kgx2)
B- Power Snatch- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Single
C- Randy= For time: 75 Power Snatches (75/45#) or 9 Minute AMRAP (or 75 reps whichever comes first) of: Power Snatch (55/35) -9 Minute Cap
LAPD SWAT Officer Randy Simmons
Notes: Absolutely NO DROPS!!! Split Snatch is acceptable as long as your feet return to the jumping position with the bar fixed overhead before recovering.
D- Axle Pendlay Row- 12/12/12/12/12 (HBD) -12 Minute Cap
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Props to 6amstrong this morning…it was BRICK inside and out
Did a very cheesy little workout – couldn’t get my ass to class 🙁
Warm up – 2 rounds EMOM of 25 goblet squats @53/ 25 sit ups
+ 2 Rds EMOM of 15 pull ups/ 15 push ups
Power Snatch + Hang Snatch 1/1/1/1/1 @ 35k
Thruster 3/3/3 105/109/120F
Deadlift Heavey set of 3 up to 225 + 3 EMoM x 5 @ 195