WOD 2/2/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/OH/Wrist/Back Mobility
A- WU- For Time: 30 Each Walking Lunge/20 HRPU/250M Row
B- Shoulder Press- 12 Minutes To A Heavy Single + 1/1/1@95/90% – 17 Minute Cap
C- Bench Press- 12 Minutes To A Heavy Single + 1/1/1@95/90% -17 Minute Cap
D- 21/15/9 RFT of: Renegade Row (45/25×2)/USSR K.B. Swing (2/1.5 Pood) or 21/15/9 RFT of: Ring Row/USSR K.B. Swing (20/12Kg)
Notes: For Renegade Row complete 21 each, 15 each and 9 each side.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
8 Minutes of Shoulder/OH/Wrist/Back Mobility
A- WU- 6 Minute AMRAP of: 15 Each OH Walking Lunge (45/25)/15 Ring Push Up/15 Broad JumpB
2 Rounds
* HSPU- 3 Minutes Max Strict
25 Total
+ 3 Rounds of: Max UB Kipping; 45 seconds between rounds
25 Total
*B- Shoulder Press- 12 Minutes To A Heavy Single
+ EMOM for 8 Minutes 3 @ 83% of above
*D- Bench Press- 12 Minutes To A Single
+ 3 close grip @50% Every 45 Sec for 9 rds
*E- 21/15/9 RFT of: Man Makers (45#) USSR K.B. Swing (2)
I did 9/6/3 was moving slow and it got late
Looks like someone is still flying high on Magic Kingdom Pixie dust! Nice work Easy.
Thanks Cory. I am Disney’d out. Need to work off all those Mickey Mouse Waffles.
8 Minutes of Shoulder/OH/Wrist/Back Mobility
A- WU- 6 Minute AMRAP of: 15 Each OH Walking Lunge 25lbs/15 Ring Push Up/15 Broad Jump: 2 rounds+30+1
B- HSPU- 3 Minutes Max Strict: 9 (4 and 5 with 1 abmat) 3 Rounds of: Max UB Kipping; 45 seconds between rounds: 18, 8,7
B- Shoulder Press- 12 Minutes To A Heavy Single : 70lbs failed at 72 lbs + EMOM for 8 Minutes 3 @ 83% of above : 58.5lbs
D- Bench Press- 12 Minutes To A Single: 115 lbs PR + 3 close grip @50% Every 45 Sec for 9 rds: 65lbs
E- 20/10/10 RFT of: Man Makers (25×2)/USSR K.B. Swing (1.5 Pood)
Dang – you know its bad when you have two B’s in a WOD..
Get it girl.