WOD 5/23/15
8 Minutes of Back/Hip/Shoulder Mobility
A- Partner WU (compare to 5/24/14)- 8 Minute AMRAP of: Partner 2k Row= Partner A, Row 1 Minute/Parnter B, 1 Minute max reps HRPU; Switch Every Minute until 8 Minutes has been reached or 2K is completed
B- Partner WOD 1 (5/23/15) = For Time: 1K M.B. Run/30 Ring Row/30 M.B. Clean(20/14)/800M M.B. Run/20 Ring Row/20 M.B. Clean/600M M.B. Run/10 Ring Row/10 M.B. Clean/400M M.B. Run/5 Ring Row/5 M.B. Clean -30 Minute Cap
Notes: (compare to 5/24/14)- Both Partners will run together/Only 1 M.B. between Partners/With only 1 Partner woking at a time/Partners will alternate exercises/You can switch back and forth as often as you like; however both partners must complete 30 Ring Row before beginning 30 M.B. Clean and they both must complete 30 M.B. Cleans each before proceeding to 800M M.B. Run/Continue in this fashion until finished with the last 5 M.B. Clean/Score = Total Time
*C- Weighted Hip Extension: 10/10/10/10/10 (HAP)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Randy- 5:43 Rx :35 second PR but still not even close to these chicks at regionals. Really need to work on my engine and keeping myself calm under distress