WOD 7/28/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/Back Mobility
A- WU- 3 Minutes Triple Under Practice (Double Under Practice) + 3 Minutes of Max Distance Handstand Walk (Practice)
B- Shoulder Press- 15 Minutes To A 5RM
C- Clean & Jerk- 15 Minutes To A Challenging Single
D- CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.3= 5 Minute AMRAP of: Squat clean (165lb / 110lb) + Jerk (165lb / 110lb or 65% of above)
Notes: Scoring= 1 Point For Squat Clean + 1 Point For Jerk/For Clean, a Power Clean + Front Squat is acceptable/For Jerk, any shoulder to OH is acceptable, including a Squat Clean + Thruster/Score= Total Reps in 5 Minutes
E- 4 Minutes Max Reps- Pendlay Row (95/65 or 75/45)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
I Love this Picture.. Courtesy of Mario
I think its Jenessa
WOW! 11.3. I remember doing this WOD at 718 (5th ave) when it came out during the Open. Everyone thought the weight was so heavy at the time. Well, for me it was. I was only 10 months in. The goal was to hit 15 reps. Do 3 reps every minute on the minute. I remember counting my reps and managing my rest time. I ended up getting 16 reps! I was so excited that I executed a strategy that Iz and I planned.
Although this workout is quick have a plan. Use the 5 minutes wisely. If you’re going to scale. Go heavier than usual. even if by 5#.
Hope you guys hit up the white board/Comments with scores. Have fun with this one.
My mistake – Coach Iz counted my reps and managed my rest time.
Thanks coach.
I did this wod first at Marcos’ suggestion in open bar probably early last year and got 19 reps and thought I was gonna die! The next time I did it was in class (Feb of this year) and this time Marcos said do an EMOM with it (that way your rest period is managed and you don’t blow it all in the first minute and then rest for 4 minutes.) With that, I got 27 reps! Moral of the story, don’t shoot at the gate- be smart!