WOD 8/11/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Back/Hip Mobility
A- WU- 3 Rounds of: 250M Row; 1 Minute Rest Between Rounds + NFT- 10 WallWalk (Inchworm)
B- Push Press- 15 Minutes To A Challenging Triple
C- For Time: 400M Run/21 Push Press (115/95 or 85/55)/400M Run/15 Push Press/400M Run/9 Push Press
*D- Ring Muscle Up- 10 Minutes Max Reps or Practice
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Vacation WOD
Marcos = M
Tina = T
Bench Press 5×5
T = 115# across
M = 135/155/165/175/185
50 Double Unders
30 Pistols (15 each leg)
20 alternating Dumbbell Snatches (M50 / T30)
M=14:06 T=14:06*
*Tina did 5 rounds. She straight WHOOPED my ass on this one. I’ll get her tomorrow… I hope.
I did the 21-15-9 push press unbroken because tambot said “Marcos said do this unbroken!”
she did it with a straight face.. NO pain!
A lot of people went unbroken coach, you would be proud. Should have seen Patty, he was so fast he was like a blur
Nice work. And wow. Tina is on another level.