WOD 02/22/17
A1: 1K Row
Damper 4/2.
A2: 3 RFT of:
10 Ring Row
15 WallBall
20 Ab Mat Sit Up
B: 2 Power Jerk + 1 Jerk – Max The Complex
+ 1/1@90%; Rest as needed between sets.; 18 Minute Cap
C1: Close grip bench press – 4/3/2/4/3/2
5 Minutes to build up + @ Tempo, choose a weight for a set of 4. Go a little heavier for a set of 3, then a little heavier for a set of 2. Go back to a set of 4 a little heavier than the first set. Repeat for a set of 3 then 2 resting as needed.
The goal is to go heavier than the first wave, on each set of the second wave.
Superset with C2.
C2: Pendlay Row – 5/5/5/5/5/5 @ 65-75%
@20X2 ; 65% of Heavy 5RM; Rest as needed.
Superset with C1.
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