WOD 03/08/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder Mobility (Click links for details)
A- WU- Cory= For Time: 200 Double Unders
B- 8-10 Minutes To WU Box Jump/WallBall/Burpee/Row/Rope Climb
C- 3 Rounds of 1 Minute Max Reps Each:
Box Jump (24/20″)
WallBall (20/14#-10′ or 20/14#-Max Height)
Row Calories
Rope Climb (20/15′ or Partial ROM); 1 Minute Rest Between Rounds
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder Mobility
A- WU- 5 Minute AMRAP of:
5 WallBall (20/14#-Max Height)
5 Ring Row
5 Hanging Knee Raises
5 K.B. DeadLift (HBD)
B- 10 Rounds of:
250M Row (Damper 5/3)
7 Thruster (75/45 or HBD)
7 Lateral Bar Burpee;1 Minute Rest Between Rounds (record splits for each round)
C- For Time:
50 Tuck Ups
Accumulate 2 Minutes In a Plank (in as few sets as possible)
50 Tuck Ups
got about 10 feet or so up the rope for the first time ever, it will happen. Thank you for the help Coach Dariel!
Nice work Rob.
Whats happened to the 8pm’s?