WOD 1/15/15
8 Minutes of Ankle/Hip/Back/OH/Wrist Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 12 USSR K.B. Swing (2/1.5 Pood)/12 T2B/12 Push Up/12 PVC OHS -7 Minute Cap
B- 1 Snatch + 2 OHS- 15 Minutes To A Max For The Complex + 1+2@95/90% of Above -20 Minute Cap
C- 21/15/9 RFT of: OHS (95/65)/DeadLift (95/65) or 21/15/9 RFT of: OHS (75/45)/DeadLift (75/45) -9 Minute Cap
D- 2 Rounds of: Max Continuous Reps- GHD Hip and Back Extension; 60-90 Seconds Rest Between Efforts
Notes: Go to failure then give someone else a turn.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Jumped in for a quirkier before prime performance.
50 Du EMOM for 3 minutes – first time I got all three rounds unbroken
Snatch + 2 OHS – up to 100lbs
21/15/9 OHS/ Deadlift – 3:16Rxed & Unbroken
Who signed up for the Open today!!?!?!!
DONE! Signed up. Can’t wait to be back at the box this weekend.
Registered! But you need to sign up 718 as a team- b/c we’re not even there!
I was just able to select 718 as a team!
when you search for it though, it says “Team not found.”
I meant to write on the blog to challenge yourself today and go heavier if you could, so I did my own challenge and did today’s metcon at 95#. 4:50 (men’s Rx)
Wow sweet time Tina.
I thought you would go 75… But 95… It’s on like donkey kong.