WOD 1/16/15
8 Minutes of Back/Hip/Shoulder/Wrist/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 2 Rounds of: 250M Row/5 Ring Row/10 D.B. Press (15/25×2)/15 Anchored Ab Mat Sit Up
B- Jerk- 15 Minutes To A 5RM
C- Pause Squat- 18 Minutes To A 10RM with a strict 2 second hold at the bottom (Tempo: 2/2/X/0-1)
D- Partner 2K Row + Sit Ups
Notes: In Teams of 2/With both Partners Working at the same time/Partners will alternate Rowing 250M/While Partner A Rows, Partner B will perform as many ab mat sit ups as possible/ When Partner A completes 250M, they will switch/ Both Partners will continue in this fashion until 2000M are completed/Score= Total Time – # of sit ups performed/1 sit up= 1 second: ex; team 2k=8:00 – 60 Sit ups=7:00 total time.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Dropped in at Crossfit 1630, Braintree, MA
A) 500 M row
B) Squat C and J 3/3/3/3/3
C) For Time
18,15,12,9,6,3 of
Power cleans (RX 65lbs), pullups, wallballs
*30 double unders after each round
Damn Michaela!! You rock!
Thanks Sam… 🙂
Warm up: 2 Rounds of: 250M Row/5 Ring Row/10 D.B. Press (15×2)/15 Anchored Ab Mat Sit Up
Jerk- 5RM 95/115/125×4
Pause Squat-(Tempo: 2/2/X/0-1) 155lbs (65%)
Kenny/ Rachel & Me did a 3k row + Ab Mat Sit ups and T2B – Fun times!!
A) 2 rounds of: 1 min max rep du/ rope climb / kb push press (20kg)
B) 5rep Jerk @ 80kg
C) 10rep pause squat @ 225lbs
D) for time : 2k row (7:22) /30 t2b / 40 ghd sit up / 50 abmat sit up – 15:59 (just squeaked by)
Jerk was 81kg, oops.
A) 2 rounds of: 1 min max rep du/ rope climb / kb push press (20kg)
B) 5rep Jerk – 81kgx5, 91kgx4
C) pause squat – 215×8 225×6
D) for time : 2k row (7:45) /30 t2b / 40 ghd sit up / 50 abmat sit up – 15:16 (did ab mat sit ups before ghd due to traffic jam. Stood by ghd for 50 seconds after an mat waiting and then subtracted wait time from finish. Rest probably made my score better than it would have been)