WOD 1/17/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/OH/Hip/Back Mobility
A- WU- 5 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Chin Up/10 Ball Slam + 400M Run -7 Minute Cap
B- Power Snatch- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Single
C- Snatch Pull (Panda Pull)- 3@80/90/100/100/100% of Snatch 1RM -10 Minute Cap
D- Against an 11 minute Clock: Run 800m/ Then For Time: 75 Air Squats/50 Ab Mat sit ups/25 Push Up/AMRAP In time remaining: Burpees
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Wait a second- we’re doing this whole life challenge workout again! This is like the 3rd time- I’m over if and I’m not even doing it.
Now is the time- sign up!! Rx or scaled…you should be doing this Crossfit 718!
****Question of the day***
What part of the cow does almond milk come from ??
The nuts
Awesome work today everyone. I really saw max effort from all. The past 2 saturdays have been fun. Great turn out of people and great vibes.
I saw a few questionable Rx’ed times today …wink wink
That was funny Marcos/ Eddie!!
Didn’t do the WLC wod but was able to get points for some Cleans and stretching.
Stood late after class to make room for a new friend and his comp team. That was fun to watch.
We did the full WLC workout down in florida. Both Matt and I did:
800 m Warm Up
10 mins of stretching
In 11 mins:
1/2 mile run
30 air squats
30 plank ups
40 lunges
40 bicycles
40 push ups
50 jumping squats (this is as far as we got, I did 36, Matt 28)
For time:
25 jumping squats
5 burpees
50 flutter kicks
5 burpees
50 mountain climbers
10 burpees
Marshall time – 4:00 Matt Time – 4:11
into the pool