WOD 1/18/15
8 Minutes of Hip/Back/Ankle/Wrist Mobility
A- WU- NFT- 400M Run @ 50% + AFAP: 50 USA K.B. Swing (24/16Kg) or 400M Run @ 50% + AFAP: 50 USA K.B. Swing (20/12Kg) -5 Minute Cap
B- Clean- Build up to a Heavy Set of 5 -15 Minute Cap
C- 3 RFT of: 20 Box Jump (24/20″)/20 Each OH WL (45/25)/400M Run or 3 RFT of: 20 Box Jumps (20/18″)/20 each Walking Lunge/400M Run -15 Minute Cap
D- 8 Minute AMRAP of: 10 GHD Sit Up/10 HSPU or 8 Minute AMRAP of: 20 Ab Mat Sit Up/20 HRPU
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Be careful out there the streets are covered in ice
Thanks for the advice coach.. My first step out the door was a doozy!
2 sundays in a row for me. could this be a trend?
A- 3 rnft of: 250 Row/15 usa kbs (2Pood)
Finished under time cap don’t remember time.
B- clean- 8 min to 85% of best clean + 2 emom @85% for 9min
C- 3 rft of: 20 BJ(30″)/20 ohs (95#)500m row 18minutes + some change
4Rounds + 7HSPU
E- As a team- accumulate 3 min in fs (115#)
Notes- if 1 rest everyone rest
A- finished about 30-60 sec after ernie
B-165# (squat clean way less than pc)
C-over time cap of 20 mins (2-3 min break due to crying like a baby from missed box jump)
D- 4+8 hollow rocks instead of ghd
E- think it took us about 7-8 attempts as a team to get there…note each guy caused a stoppage Chelsea and Sam didn’t break.