WOD 12/16/15
8 Minutes of Forearm/Shoulder/Thoracic/Wrist Mobility (click links for details)
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 5 K.B. Thruster Each Side (HBD)/15 Tuck Up/10 Calorie Row
B- 5 Minutes to WU + EMOM For 30 Minutes: Minute 1: 1 Rope Climb (Partial ROM)/Minute 2: 8 T2B (hanging knee raises)/Minute 3: 1-2 WallWalk (Inch Worm)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
A) 3 RNFT of: 10 WallBall/15 Tuck Up/25 Double Unders
B) EMOM For 30min – Ring Muscle Up/GHD Sit Up/HSPU = 5rds of 2/8/5 + 5rds of 3/8/5
C) 4 Rrs of: 50 Cal Row/2min Rest – 2:07/2:04/2:05/2:08
Ex) Butterfly Practice – Reg & C2B
Wellness challenge 12/16/15
Today 3pts
Stretch 1pt
Wkout 1pt
Myfitnesspal 1pt