WOD 1/27/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Back/Wrist/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 2 Rounds of: 30 Seconds Jingle Jangles/30 Seconds Max Reps BallSlam (20/15#); 30 Seconds Rest -5 Minute Cap
B- Snatch- 18 Minutes To A Challenging Single
C- 2 Rounds of- 3 Minute AMRAP of: 30 Double Unders/15 Power Snatch (75/55); 90 Seconds Rest Between Rounds or 2 Rounds of- 3 Minute AMRAP of: 90 Single Unders/15 Power Snatch (65/45); 90 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
D- Squat- 15 Minutes To A 5RM with a strict 3 second hold at the bottom (Tempo: 2/3/X/0-2)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Are we game on for the evening classes?
Sorry Matt it was a snow day. I wasn’t looking at the blog.
Itty bitty wod with Tina just before 5..
Warm up : 500m row NFT
3 squat cleans + 3 burpees every 45 sec x 10 rounds @ 115lbs
10/10/10 each pull ups/ push ups
Hmmm these workouts are starting resemble some upcoming event tammy