WOD 2/1/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Wrist/Ankle/Back Mobility
A- WU- NFT of: 50 Double Unders/10 Calorie Row/10 WallBall/10 Ring Row/10 Strict K2E/10 GHD Hip and Back Extension or NFT of: 150 Single Unders/10 Calorie Row/10 WallBall (16/12-9′)/10 Ring Row/10 Hanging Knee Raises/10 Superman -10 Minute Cap
B- Thruster- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 5 Reps
C- Chest To Bar Pull Up- 5-7 Minutes Warm Up (practice)
D- Open Sectionals WOD 12.5= 7 Minute AMRAP of: 3 Thruster (100/65)/3 C2B Pull Up/6 Thruster/6 C2B/9 Thruster/9 C2B or 7 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Ring Row/10 WallBall (16/12-9′) Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Hey guys- the Open is 25 days away..if you don’t know what it is…check it out here games.crossfit.com
Crossfit is the only sport where ordinary people like you and I get to compete against everyone else in the world- obviously we’re not all going to regionals, the games, etc..but it’s not about that..test your fitness, see how far you’ve come, what your capable of, be a part of a team, an experience..what are you waiting for?
A) NFT- 30 calorie row + snatch pull/ohs/clean pull/jerk practice
B) Snatch – 3@26/33kg + 2@40/46kg + 1@52/55/58kg 3×1@62kg (f/c/c)
C) Clean & Jerk – 2/2@40/46/52kg + 1/1@65/74/78/83kg 3×1@88kg (c/c/c)
D) Flexy Angie practice (50DU+20Pull Up+25HRPU+25Sit Up+25Goblet Sq)
Tina’s right guys – get in the spirit, the spirit of the games!
YO! OMG Comp Team was on fire today!!! I had the privilege of Co-Coaching the team with Iz today.. I was honored.
Today the team worked in a competive style weightlifting setting.. They did great. The entire team showed up, so the room was buzzing. Can’t wait to do it again.
Hands Down Greg, your the man hitting 6 for 6 today.
Bravo everybody.
Mike Soffer nice work with that 195 5RM thruster!
Thanks Tambot, you rock
B) Snatch – 3@26/33kg + 2@40/46kg + 1@52/55/58kg 3×1@62kg (f/c/c)
C) Clean & Jerk – 2/2@40/46/52kg + 1/1@65/74/78/83kg 3×1@88kg (c/c/c)
D) 12.5 – 15 Thruster/0 C2B