WOD 2/22/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Back/Hip/Wrist Mobility
A- WU- NFT- 200M Run/15 Each Walking Lunge + 3 Rounds of: 200 Yard Shuttle (40 Yard Dash x 5); 90 Seconds Between Efforts -12 Minute Cap
B- Chest To Bar Pull Up- 4 Minutes Max Reps or 4 Minutes Practice
C- 3 RFT of: 30 WallBall (20-10’/14-9′)/10 Double K.B. Clean (24/16kgX2) or 3 RFT of: 30 WallBall (16-10’/12-9′)/10 Double K.B. Clean (20/12kgX2) – 12 Minute Cap
D- EMOM for 12 Minutes: Even- 2 WallWalk/Odd- Accumulate 20 Second L-Hang or EMOM for 12 Minutes: Even- 3 Inch Worm/Odd- Accumulate 20 Second Tuck-Hang
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Good luck to the guys.