WOD 2/23/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Wrist/Ankle/Back Mobility
A- WU- Complete As Much As Possible in 5 Minutes: 400M Run/250M Row/20 HRPU/20 Ring Row
B- 6 Minutes WU- Thruster (135/95)/Rope Climb + EMOM for 20 Minutes: Even- 3 Thruster (135/95)/Odd- 1 Rope Climb or 6 Minutes WU- Thruster (95/65)/Rope Climb + EMOM for 20 Minutes: Even- 3 Thruster (95/65)/Odd- 1 Modified Rope Climb
C- For Time: 1K Run/1K Row
*D- NFT- 100 Each Hollow Rock/GHD Hip Extension
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
I want to say thank you to everyone for the last two weeks. Form Flex In the City to Marisa’s Party to Christy’s Birthday Party to todays NYC Weightlifting Open. It has been amazing and I am very excited for Open Sectionals next week. I feel like we are on fire right now (in a good way;), like we have momentum. Really excited to see everyone next Thursday. You guys are the best community in the world and I am very grateful to be a part of it!! 🙂
Thank YOU, coach. Without you and Tammy there would be no 718.
I echo Marcos. Chrystie and I say it all the time that if you and Tam hadn’t taken the risk, quit your jobs, invested in all the fun equipment and started this whole thing our lives would be so completely different. We feel so blessed to have a place like 718 that has enhanced our lives in so many ways and made us some the best friends we could have ever asked for. The success of 718 is so very important to me and I was so proud to see some of my favorite people do so well at Flex and NYC Open – representing in a very positive way.
I feel blessed to be part of all your lives. The best part of coaching is being able to change lives.. Making people better makes me happy.
I loved being called mama bear at the competition. I had to take of these guys like my own, especially Greg… He truly did what it took to be successful.