WOD 2/24/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Back/Hip/Wrist Mobility
A- WU- NFT- 3 Wall Walk/10 Each Walking Lunges/200M Run/2 WallWalk/20 Ring Row – 7 Minute Cap
B- Hand Stand Push Up- 4 Minutes Max Reps or 4 Minutes Practice
C- Front Squat- 15 Minutes To A 5RM + 5@95/90% (Tempo: 2/0/X/1) – 20 Minute Cap
D- EMOM for 8 Minutes- Even: 15 T2B/Odd: 10-12 Calorie Row or EMOM for 8 Minutes- Even: 15 Hanging Knee Raise/Odd: 10-12 Calorie Row
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
2 more days till the open. Don’t forget to register at games.crossfit.com
Can’t wait to get home an lift some heavy shit.