WOD 5/30/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/OH/Ankle/Hip Mobility
A- WU- 2 RNFT of: 10 Each: Panda Pull (45/35/15/PVC)/Snatch Balance/OH Lunge (5 each)/Calorie Row
B- Hang Power Snatch (BTK)- 15 Minutes To A Challenging Single
C- Partner WOD (5/30/15)- 5-7 Minutes To WU Rope Climb + For Time: 50 Power Snatch (115/75)/10 Rope Climb/40 Power Snatch/8 Rope Climb/30 Power Snatch/6 Rope Climb or 5-7 Minutes To WU Partial ROM Rope Climb + For Time: 50 Power Snatch (85/55)/10 Partial ROM Rope Climb/40 Power Snatch/8 Partial ROM Rope Climb/30 Power Snatch/6 Partial ROM Rope Climb -16 Minute Cap
Notes: In teams of 3 athletes with similar abilities/with only 1 athlete working at a time/Partition as needed but ensure that each athlete performs at least 1 repetition of each exercise every round/For Power Snatches once the bar has been picked up it cannot be set down until all corresponding reps are completed/Scale Rope Climb to a suitable regression i.e.; partial range of motion, modified Rope Climb.,/If the bar touches the ground before all corresponding reps are completed the count for that round will return to zero and the team will have to begin that round of Power Snatches again.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
That’s going to be a early rough one.
If a Team is co-ed, then what happens with the snatches then? Won’t they have to be broken up?
Yea. That’s a tough call. I think this WOD looks brutal enough. Let them drop that sucker. Lol
400m run
30 box jump 24″
30 wall ball 20#-10′
24:39 Rx
Got to do this with coach Anthony. Would’ve been a bit slower for sure without him.
Did any team finish this event ?
Well all of our Athletes did this WOD in teams of 2… and most were Male/Female teams.
The times ranged from 15-20 minutes for the day. Fun little WOD, Matt R & Rob went ham on the rope climbs and I saw Lea and Steven Crushing this one too.
My favorite team was team #Igot2Kids Sky & Karen 🙂